5108 Wilson Road

Fort Worth, TX 76140


Approximately 6000 sqft comprised of both office (1438 sqft total) and warehouse space (4262 sqft). Property is located on private property and has a gated entrance. This space would work perfectly for businesses that store material and need an office, but most jobs are completed offsite such as a plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, pool, roofing company, etc. The warehouse space has a large bay door and utilizes a Big Ass fan and 4 packing units for air and heat. Warehouse walls & ceiling are not insulated. There is a large attic or storage over the offices that is accessed by a staircase in the warehouse. The offices and restrooms are insulated and have a separate air conditioning unit. The office is currently setup to include a lobby, 2 offices, a conference room, and a large storage room. There are 2 restrooms, a shower room, and more storage areas (300 sqft). Property is located in Unincorporated Tarrant County and is outside of the city limits. No CO is required.


Carpé Residential Real Estate Group